Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thoughts for Thursday

I had totally misplaced my mind this week and Thursday crept up on me fast. I wasn't feeling overly well this week so I shall rant about........

Men...why they are such babies when they get "sick"

Well the past few weeks in this household have been turbulent in more ways than one. It started a couple weeks ago when ds came home from school with a nasty cold. It seemed to last forever...mucus flew....we should have bought stock in Kleenex because everyone in the house ended up with this cold. Dd ended up with the worst of it and had an ear infection on top of it. But would swear the man was dying. He came home early from work one day because he was "too sick" and then stayed home another day, again because he was too sick. This man had a cough and a runny nose. SAME thing I had yet I still had to wait on everyone hand and foot...I didn't get to take time off. So I am irritated at this point.

So fast forward to a week later. Dd is now having some issues vomiting and not having much of an appetite for two days. One nasty bout of the runs that lasted less than a day (THANK GOD). Then a day later I am starting to feel funky...yup I am sick. I STILL look after myself, dd and ds (who is home on March Break) while dh goes to work. He comes home... and nicely takes dd with him when he takes ds to karate. He gets the McDonald's for supper.

I am upstairs in the fetal position next to the toilet because I had just threw up something my grandmother ate 25 years ago. And he comes up to tell me ds says his stomach feels weird. So I get up off the floor...go to the washroom with ds. Usually this "weird" feeling is diarrhea and I figured it probably was because I had it bad too. Well he gets up off the john and puts his hand over his mouth and starts running DOWNSTAIRS. I am like wth are you doing? Ds yells "I think I am going to puke" and then blahhhrrrhaaaahhhh all over my freaking floor. At this point I am totally dumbfounded as to why he didn't turn around and take the 4 steps BACK into the bathroom from which he just came to throw up. Dh just stands off I go to clean up McDonald's puke...yes and it's a very special kind of puke me. So I am on my hands and knees trying not to hurl myself. I go back to bed mad...because I am SICK dammit and why am I up out of bed cleaning up puke?

Fast forward to the next day....dh goes to work...I am still achy, pukey and generally miserable because I haven't eaten anything in over 24 hours at this point. He does however go in late so that I can sleep until 8am. He has this "important thing to do" at work that he cant miss. Well at 11 I get a phone call. "I am coming home, I am sick." he gets home. And promptly goes to lay down for 3 hours. Ummm hello? When do I get to do that? He whined all day...whined the next day and stayed home from work. The man didn't even throw up once, never had the trots and never got achy. He was "queasy". Yet he napped that three hours....went to bed at 8. Then napped off and on all the day he was home. Know what rest I had? That one hour they were gone to karate.

Why do men seem to turn to little babies when they get the slightest bit sick? Who else has a husband or s/o who is like this? I know I can't be the only one.


Leslie said...

Ewwww, sounds like a nasty few weeks at your house. Sorry no one would take care of you. Somebody best make that up to you this weekend!!!

And I can't believe you still have my blog listed. LOL

April said...

That sucks. You should get to rest too! My DH isn't like that, but he also isn't the type of guy that will baby me when I'm sick. He'll be like, "Go to the doctor or take meds or don't complain." So I guess there is something generally wrong with all men when their DW/SO are sick. I hope that you feel better soon.

Leslie said...

ooo you are so not the only one. my DH is the same way. Then of course when we women get sick we don't have hardly anyone to take care of us and we must go on about our day. Hope you all are feeling much better!

Trish said...

Are you sure you weren't at my house, because girl that sounds like the exact same thing that would happen here!

I feel your pain girl! I hope you feel better soon!