Thursday, March 06, 2008

Thoughts for Thursday

I am sooooo late getting this in...and as usual I am flying by the seat of my pants as far as a topic. hmmmmmm Let me think.

Toronto's Black Focused AKA Segregated School

Many of you guys have heard this on the news or online. Toronto has decided to create an all black school. Well OK they have said that it will be open to all ethnicities but will focus on a more black curriculum putting a focus more on black history, music and culture etc. They say it's in attempt to bring down the dropout rate among black students within the city. Stats say that 40% of black students are not completing high school.

This has caused quite an issue as one could imagine. There are supporters of this "new" school who say that black students that are taught in a way more catered to the black individual and taught things more relevant to the black student will succeed in school more so than if they were in a regular school. The flip side to this (which is where I belong in regards to this) are the people who think that this only sets us back in our fight against racism and segregation. By separating our kids like this we are teaching them that they are different from one another, that we can't get along as one. That somehow the colour of your skin dictates your education.

There is the argument that this is racism. That by creating an all black school, it is discriminatory against the Caucasian, Asian, Indian etc etc etc. I guess they get around this by saying that ANYONE is allowed to enroll and attend this school but the curriculum is one that they may not "get". And then it brings us to kids who have mixed racial back rounds. So what of the kids who have one Caucasian and one black parent or an Asian/black etc. Will they feel comfortable at one of these schools? And if a white kid decided to attend...chances are that child would not be welcomed with open arms either.

Then it has been brought up about the whole separate school board. That having an all black school is no different than having Catholic schools. Albeit that could very well be an argument IF the new Black school were to be privately funded but it is not. It is still part of the public school system in Toronto. So where will we draw the line here....shall we have all white schools, all Asian, all Indian? Give me a break people!

It's a fine line whenever you are dealing with anything involving racism and I think that the school board here in Toronto fucked up LARGELY with this decision. I am very ashamed right now to even live NEAR Toronto. Way to go are making a mockery of what Canada stands for. Multiculturalism has been an important trait to Canada dammit. What kind of example are we setting for our kids here? Personally I think its a BAD one.

Here is some reading if you wish:


April said...

I think that a school that is composed of any homogenous group of people is a bad idea. If schools teach one type of children in a way that is different from the way that other types of children are taught at other schools, or only focuses on one culture, then what are these kids going to do when it is time to get a job and join the world that is composed of every ethnicity and group? They are going to be at a disadvantage in only being exposed to their own culture, and only learning how to function in that particular culture. Success is being able function in the multicultural world. I think that this pedagogy that is being proposed will be putting these kids at a disadvantage to other children.

Leslie said...

I totally agree with you on this one Stacy. It's a step back not a step forward for positive.