Friday, March 06, 2009

Again...bad bad blogger

Wow I haven't been posting much at all! Things have been kind of quiet lately since the amazee contest wound down. WE ended up winning 5 thousand dollars for the Dixie Water Project but are still trying to raise more to get this project off the ground.

WE lost another camera guy. Simon is back in the U.S. now spending a bit of time volunteering at a turtle research center in GA (I think) before jumping back into the job hunt. I wish him all the best and I miss him so much already! It just isn't the same without Simon in the chat room and his "Gooooood evening everyone" coming on the cam from the FCC when he was at the helm.

On the home front, things are OK. My step dad is still fighting the fight with his cancer. He ended up back in the hospital for the better part of a week after not being able to come out of a seizure naturally. The trauma his brain has had from the biopsies and radiation treatments has caused some swelling and damage. So, he is now on anti seizure meds for the rest of his life. They will work on getting the swelling down so that they can do another MRI soon to assess the size of the tumour and see if the last gamma knife surgery did any good on shrinking the tumour.

My uncle (my bio dad's bro) is sick with lung cancer now too. His diagnosis is just months after we lost my other uncle Tony (dad's youngest brother) to cancer. What a mess this cancer shit is.

We have bought our plane tickets to P.E.I. and the cottages are reserved. We still need to find lodging for the dog though. I wish we knew someone who would take him for the week. It would save us upwards of $500 to $600. I am excited though. We will be right on the beach for a week.

The kids are good. Getting ready to register one for Junior Kindergarten and the other one is getting his report card on Monday. Very proud of him....his teacher isn't requesting an interview because he is doing very well. Brent is good too...getting him ready for the big V soon! lol He is nervous about that of course but if he would like to continue to get busy then he needs to get snipped.

I am a loser and I am re-reading the Twilight series and am on Eclipse again. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the first movie!

Apparently, I need to get a life though because this is all I can really say for now. Some other things are happening that I can't comment on yet but I will post when I can.

1 comment:

Patti H said...

Can I just say CANCER sucks Stacy? Glad to see a update on your blog. Wow Lacy is starting JK already? Where has the time gone? Glad you have your tickets and holiday all ready for the summer.