Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The time is coming!!

Just a few more days until the kids from Dixie get to go to the movies!! It has been a fantastic effort for everyone involved. WE managed to raise enough money to take an additional 11 kids to the original 25! So 36 kids will get to have the time of their lives on the 25th! They are going to hop on 3 rented buses to Nelspruit ( 3 hours from Dixie), each child will get a "kids pack" which includes a drink, popcorn and some candy, they will be watching Beverly Hills Chihuahua and afterwards Rex will be taking the kids for a hamburger before heading home to Dixie.

I can not wait to see video and pictures! Graham is still trying to broadcast some of the trip live but it is not %100 that he can get everything together without the technical gremlins interfering. So no promises on that part. They WILL however be taking a lot of pictures and video while there.

Again...I am so proud of the WE staff and the WE Watchers and friends who have all put their time in or donated to this cause. You guys and your big hearts ROCK!


Cheri Pryor said...

That's just amazing, Stacy!! And over $2,000!! I can't wait to see those kids' faces light up. What a great project.

So...when are you going?

Patti H said...

that is awesome Stacy~

Yankee said...

This is so wonderful!

Cassandra said...

Wonderful! I'm sure they have no idea Beverly Hills Chihauhau sucks--- but my kid liked it so I'm sure they will too! ;-)

Leslie said...

what a wonderful thing to be apart of!

Kristin K Stock said...

That ROCKS...you rock....good for you...