I so suck at blogging! lol I AM trying to keep up with a new Twilight scrapblog challenge site so I should be atleast updating a LO weekly if I manage to stay on track.
It's been a busy few weeks. Brent was gone to Ottawa essentially for two weeks...home on the weekend then back out again. We had Thanksgiving which I cooked for a dozen people. Then we had Brent's birthday party and I made him his whoopie cushion Old Fart cake. And mom has been to and from New Brunswick twice now in the past 3 weeks so we have been busy visiting since we don't expect her back until Christmas. Sucks she will miss Lacy's 4th bday though...which is coming up in just over a couple of weeks.
Top that off with me coming down with a cold the past few days. I had a head cold and some nasty sinus congestion which thankfully seems to be going away. Lacy and Logan each have been kind of iffy as to catching it...hopefully they don't. Nobody wants to be sick for Halloween!! 4 days and counting!!!!!
Now onto my new worry...I am really starting to freak out about H1N1 now. There was a 13 year old boy here in Toronto who died from it. No underlying conditions...otherwise healthy hockey playing boy just dropped dead. Scary shit! Now I am second guessing the whole vaccine thing .... should we get it? Is there enough study on it? What about the woman who had a reaction to the vaccine in Scarborough? Yarrrg!
My uncle Stephen is still very sick and the new scan showed more spots on his left lung, his right lung is pretty much done. And now there was a spot on his liver as well....so the cancer is spreading fast now. I haven't gotten and update from Dad this week so I am not sure what's happening as of now.
So yeah...
I love the background. I also am lovin your scrappin!!!
I now have a new way to stalk you :)
Hoping everyone is feeling better...and sending lots of good thoughts and hugs for your uncle and family.
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