Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Ahhh two posts in one day! Caaarazy! I know!

Look out! I am on a roll. I just wanted to ramble today.

First of all...Brad had better email me with an update on Kim and the baby soon or I will be flying out to Brittish Columbia soon to wring his neck! lol I hope that everything is ok and he just forgot in all of the excitement. I shoud go over and check ScrapJazz as well to see if he just posted over there and cut out the middle man (aka me lol).

We are still trying to decide where we are going to go on vacation. We have those airfare tickets to use but its a matter of timing and money. Since we ponied up a lot of money to get the basement done...we are short of funds. We have already decided that we are going "sans enfants" and leaving the kids here....son with my mom up down at the cottage she is renting and Brent's parents will be coming here to the house to watch our daughter, dog and bunny. So...the problem remains....a destination. Now if it was international you all KNOW where I would be flying my ass to. Djuma! lol But unfortunately it has to be within the US and Canada not including Alaska, Hawaii etc. So far we have narrowed it down to either Vancouver BC or Vegas. I am leaning towards Vegas just because...hellloooooooooooo it's Vegas and I have never been there before. BUT I really would love to see BC or even head to Alberta and go hiking in the Rockies. We need to get off our bums and choose. We have to get our passport applications in as well.

What else is new? Not a whole heck of a lot....no good or bad news on my stepdad and his cancer. My uncle is pretty much the same and is slowly going downhill with his cancer. My Grampy seems to be recovering very well from his heart operation that he had earlier this year. My dad saw him a week or so ago and said he looked great.

Thats about it for now. I might ramble some more later...or even MAYBE get my Thoughts for Thursday done this week!


Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

yeah, I have been waiting to hear updates about Kim and the baby???!!

Patti H said...

Vegas all the way baby!! I am just saying!!

Kristin K Stock said...

I think you should come see me....I'll arrange a meeting for all of US :)

Cheri Pryor said...

I vote for Vegas...but we want to know what happens there. =P