Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Calling all Angels!

I feel a bit like Charlie with this post! *insert groan from lame pop culture reference* In all seriousness, WE need your help.

Emily and Graham have set up a wonderful project on to further help spread the word of the Christmas in Dixie project. What WE need you to do is go to and join for FREE. Add an avatar to your profile and then join our project. The project with the most members WITH avatars will win $5000 to go towards their project. It will take 3 minutes of your time. If you have any problems joining, please contact me at and I will walk you through as best as I can.

Emily has also updated the cause on the Amazee site. So far WE have raised 3800.00 for this project. Aren't WE amazing? Please keep giving and spreading the is in your nature.


Anonymous said...

$3,800?! Fantastic!

Cheri Pryor said...
