Sunday, September 28, 2008

W.E. Angels for the kids in Dixie

I am really proud of my Wild Earth friends. Since Graham put this idea forth, there has been an outpouring of generosity for this project! I created a cause on Facebook as well for this wonderful trip W.E. would like to give to the children of Dixie. The goal was to collect around 1300 USD for the trip so they could take 25 kids. W.E. have exceeded this goal already thanks to MANY W.E. Angels who gave to the cause. So now MORE kids will be going and Graham is also thinking about approaching another school in a nearby village if the funds keep coming in! So far since the last update from Graham, W.E. has raised 1900 USD!

Thanks to anyone who gave...and if you didn't, you still have lots of time to donate. Even if it is only a couple of dollars....every bit counts! You will be giving a child the moment perhaps of a lifetime! A memory that will likely be with them for their entire lives.

Here are a few more pictures (courtesy of Pieter Pretorius) of the kids of Dixie and (well I call him their hero) Rexon. Rex is the man responsible for so many good things happening at Dixie including the creche, the daycare and the school.

1 comment:

Lori Petticrew said...

that's really awesome!