Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Random Ramblings

Just wanted to let my friends in Louisiana and Texas to know that I am soooooooo glad everyone is safe and sound. I know some of you guys have some damage and I hope that you can get the repairs done asap. I know the roofers and shinglers are busier than a hooker with two beds right now. I just wanted to let you know that I am so happy you all are ok!!

My Grammy and Aunt Trish are coming for a visit on the 26th! YAY! I am so excited! I haven't seen Gram for 2 years and Trish for 3. They are going to be going to and from here and my Uncle Jimmy's place in Stoney Creek for a couple weeks. I am so excited! Have I mentioned that I am so excited yet? Because I am! lol I have a special bond with my Grammy. My mom was a pretty young mom and my grandparents really helped her out a lot. I spent every summer of my life until I was nine at their house. I hold those memories close to my heart and of any one woman, I respect my Grammy the most. She is just an amazing lady in my eyes.

Logan has started to adjust to school and his behavior at home is actually improving...with the exception of this morning's rudeness. He had his karate grading and will be getting his orange belt on Saturday. He had a bit of a meltdown during his grading though...thank goodness Sensei is a pretty understanding guy. He talked Logan out of his frustration. I think that Logan is a bit afraid of becoming an orange belt....the Kata is much harder. But he did it!!

Lacy is in the middle of potty training. She has her good days and her bad. I just wish she would get over this not wanting to poop in the pot. I am tired of diapers and tired of washing out poopy gitch. (yes, we call underwear gitch in my house. lol Just one more thing to make you all think I am weird)

Brent is good...same old same old with work and everything.

Now...onto business. Halloween is coming. This means the festive season is upon me. lol I LOVE Halloween! I just bought a fog machine and am contemplating on buying a thunder and lightning one as well. Man I am actually pretty lucky that I have a small yard or I would spend a small fortune on decorations of the ghoulish nature! Brent laughs at me...I am worse than the kids about getting excited for Halloween. I have to also think of a costume for this year. I am thinking of making....errr I mean asking Brent to be a mummy. Dye some cheesecloth strips with tea and wrap him up. Yes I make him....errrr ask him to dress up every year lol. He has a few masks he has worn, including a 40 dollar Homer Simpson one that apparently is "too sweat". lol I normally go as some vamped out vampire or witch. Logan is going to be Indiana Jones and Lacy wants to be a fairy again so far. Not sure really about my costume this year....I was thinking a Pregnant Nun for a change? lol No one in my neighborhood would get or appreciate the humour though. Bunch of turds!! lol

Anyhow...that's it in a nutshell for now. Might do a Wild Earth post later just so that you guys don't think I am sick or something. lol


Patti H said...

Thanks for the update Stacy. I too love Halloween I used to decorate the house and the yard. It was so scary the kids would not come to the door but I have not done that in a few years. I could never talk John into dressing up.
I hope you have a great visit with your Grammy. I loved my grandparents (Dad's) and spent every March Break with them.
Have a great day

Lori Petticrew said...

awe! thanks stacy!

Cassandra said...

Almost time for Grammy and Aunt Trish! I know you guys are going to have so much fun. We expect pictures!