Tuesday, September 02, 2008

1st Day of the 2nd Grade

Well...it's official...he is in the second grade now! He was NOT looking forward to starting school again. Poor kid hates school already. I am definately in trouble with this one when he gets older. The morning started off well until the bus failed to show up so we walked...it isn't far but the kids in elementary school are not required to walk as the school crosses a major 4 lane road. So off we went...we found his gym teacher and got him to look on his list to find his lineup and his teacher's name. And off he went.
Here are a couple shots I got of him as we were walking out the door. Isn't he handsome?


Patti H said...

awww those photos are so cute Stacy. Poor kid doesn't like school already? Oh Oh

BTW you have been tagged again LOL

You can thank Cheri this time!!

Ramona said...

He's so CUTE! Look at his eyes! Hope he has a great year. :)

Carrie said...

Dude, he's got your eyes! What a handsome little man. No wonder the girls are after him.

(You've been tagged! http://theperfectshadeofgreen.blogspot.com/)

Cheri Pryor said...

What a little man! Maybe school will grow on him over the next couple of years. Maybe.