I know! It's not a Wild Earth post! lol Shocking as it may be.
Well we went up to the cottage this past Sunday for 4 days. It was a pretty good trip. Enjoyed the peacefulness (minus the kids screaming but you can't ask for TOO much lol). We swam, we went on some nature walks, we canoed, we relaxed and most of all we had lots of family fun time. The inlaws also joined us at the cottage...rather we joined them as they went up a day before we did and stayed a few days longer.
I must say that Logan has become quite the fish! He loves the water. AND did NOT panic when he got two very small leeches on himself. I figured he would have freaked because there was blood involved but nope...he didn't say boo. He actually thought it was kind of neat that it didn't hurt at all. Lacy on the other hand is not overly fond of coldish water. lol She went in a few times but towards the last two days she was not wanting to go swimming at all.
We had a bonfire, we toasted marshmallows, mother in law had her guitar and played for us at the fire, I actually got 5 cards scrapped (I brought up a few supplies), took lots of pictures...even Logan got in on that and was a picture taking freak whenever he saw a new different kind of fungus in the woods. We had some good fresh August corn (yes I am a corn snob and I won't touch local corn until August). Just a great time (minus the car ride with two cranky kids and a smelly dog). Oh and yes I included a pic of myself...excuse the mess of hair and no makeup and cranky look...I had been swimming with Logan and Lacy was cranky lol. Yeah yeah that's my excuse! Oh and the camera adds 50lbs.

totally shock no afican post...
but hey look at those pics! looks like a grand ole time....
love the first picture, so calm and relaxing
leeches, fungi and smelly dogs-- you crazy canucks know how to par-tay!
I love your pictures!! The sky is amazing!
Oh can't go north and swim in the lakes without the leeches. I do not like swimming in Lakes I am with Lacy! Where were ya. Ds leaves for his northern cottage vacation tomorrow. Great photos Stacy
okay we need a lochte post, come on.....stalk with me
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