Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Canada Day!!

Well our country is 139 years old today! Happy Birthday Canada!!!! We are going to try to go to the fireworks tonight but the weather has been odd so I don't know if they will go off as planned yet or not.

On a different note...we went out looking at model homes today. I think we have picked the subdivision and builder and model. BUT we just dont know for sure yet...hopefully they wont sell out before we make up our minds. Still a freehold townhouse but bigger and NEW! woohooo Assuming we get a good price on this house it shouldnt be much more of a mortgage payment as we are paying now.

I think we are going to mull it over while in PEI.....then when we get back look for a realitor for this place to see what they think we can list the house for. Assuming we sell here....I think by the end of the summer we might have a new home! Well MAYBE lol I mean we still have a lot of stuff to think about and research. I dont know how long it will take the builder to finish the we dont want to sell and end up homeless because the new house isnt done. lol

Anyhow thats my News O' the Day! lol

1 comment:

ChrissyW said...

oh - fun - hope ya get a good one - that's exciting!!!!