Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bad Blogger.....BAD!!!

Well doh! I kept meaning to post and yet kept forgetting to. Less computer time since Lacy has become mobile and now pulls herself up to standing on some things. SCARY! I am hoping since she's such a wanderer she will start to tire herself out more and sleep better....BUT I remember saying that about Logan and he didnt sleep totally through the night until he was almost 3 for pete's sake! lol

Anyhow....news....Brent for this quarter at work won the Senior Management Award of Excellence. So woohoo B! We get a 100 dollar supper out of the deal and rumour has it he gets 500 clams to spend at Future Shop or Best Buy! So BIG woohoo B! AND at the end of the year one employee is chosen as THE Employee of the year and wins a trip. So cross them fingers for him!

Still on the fence about the new house. If we buy we had better get on it now. So we can get this place suitable over the next 8 - 10 months to sell it. We are still sticking with the one builder and design. Just a matter of talking to the mortgage guy and a realitor to see how houses are moving in our area.

And if Blogger was working properly I would have more pics to share but apparently it wont let me load any right now grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I had some cute shots of Lacy eating watermelon and Logan playing miniature golf.


Nancyroo said...

wtg for your hubby!

Lisa Peyton-Caire said...


how did you do the GREAT video/slideshow at the top of your blog!? I would love to do that. My blog is at http://sisterspeaknews.blogspot.com.

Hope to hear from you!


Anonymous said...


How did you create & post the FABULOUS video/slideshow at the top of your blog? I would love to add soomething like that to my blog at http://sisterspeaknews.blogspot.com. Hope to hear from you...


Laurie said...

thats wicked he got that! still not impressed you guys didnt invite me out to supper but ah well..

hmmm the house thing..yah that is a big deal eh...well maybe he can have some free daytime to go see the dude on it eh...