Sunday, May 07, 2006


Why oh friggin why....Can I please move out? lol I have had it with every single person in my household today. Why is it that I can't sit for two minutes to finish something on here...or have a moment of silence?

I did have about 45 mins of silence this afternoon when dh decided to take the kids out to his parents for a bit....a BIT is right...why couldn't they stay longer? I TRIED to wax my legs in the meantime and that didnt work. Why do the kits not come with enough linen strips to do BOTH legs? hmmmm ever wonder that?


Managed to get two digital layouts done this weekend and a paper one as well. Hopefully I can keep up with this 3 Bugs in a Rug sponsor month. AND judging for the Scrap Off Contest we are holding at Treasured Times. Should be interesting and busy! lol I can't wait for the challenges to come out though....a lot of fantastic scrappers are on board for the contest.

Man I just want to tear someone a new one right now. Could be hormones....could be the lack of HELP I get around here lately. Hey could even be the lack of sleep...ya STILL getting up atleast 2 times a night with the baby...EVERY night. So yeah I guess that will do it eh?

Reading a couple of books (if I ever get a minute to myself) is about baby's sleeping issues and another called The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine Aron PhD. That one is for ds. He reacts to things...stimuli etc, in a different way than most kids. He is over emotional and highly sensitive. So reading this should open my eyes to some things hopefully. Its frusterating as all get out!!!

Oh the joys of motherhood I tell ya.....

1 comment:

Laurie said...

i hear ya doll....course we have already vented this isse lol...hugs anyway chick!