Friday, May 19, 2006

Bitter Sweet

Well have you ever had one of those moments where something good happens but you are still upset about it? Happening to me right now. My son has some speech delay and we have been having him assessed to try to get him some help before he starts Grade One. Anyhow so in this process the schools pathologist assessed him and recommended him for a program. I though wow thats awesome he might get in and get some needed help. Well she calls me today today saying he was accepted into the program. I thought that this program would be in HIS school a few afternoons a week. Nope its in a different school 5 days a week and he has to take the bus. I am freakin out school, new teacher, new friends AND having to take the bus....I am about to cry here. I am sure he will be fine but he just doesnt adjust to change overly well either.

I am happy he's in the program and will get help but I am still sad admitting that he needs the program. I am so scared that people will make fun of him having to be in a "special" class. Ok I gotta stop or I am going to cry.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

awww girl..keep on focus and know its best for him right now....i am sure he will be fine long as mom is kwim...hugs!