Saturday, January 19, 2008

Well apparently I still suck!

I keep forgetting I have this blog. lol

Let's see...Christmas was great! The kids had such a good time. My sister and her girls came over for Christmas Eve. We had my mom, Brent's parents and my BIL and SIL and nephew over as well. I of course went way overboard on the food. As you can tell in the photo I went more than a little nuts. But what would Christmas be without me going way overboard? The kids were very happy with their presents. So was Brent for that matter. He finally got his surround sound system.

We didn't do much for New Years other than sit on the couch and watch the ball drop in NY. I was going to let Logan try to stay up this year but by 9:30 he was tired so off to bed he went. Maybe next year. Resolutions you ask? Same old same old....get into shape, eat better and lose weight. So far its more of a dream than reality lol.

My stepdad is doing much better and his brain tumour is shrinking and the lung cancer seems to be gone so they wont be following up with chemo thank goodness. My Grampy went in for heart surgery last week. He had a double bypass (was supposed to be a triple but they couldnt get at the third this time) and he had a valve that needed fixing. He is doing well now but gave us a scare the day after his surgery with a lot of fluid in his lungs. They moved him from Halifax to his local small hospital so they must have faith that he is well on his way to mending. This is a huge relief!

What else is happening.....hmmmm.....Lacy is talking a lot more now. She is as bad as ever and has her mom's temper (scary eh?).

Well thats about it for now...its karate day for Logan and we are leaving shortly. :)


Cassandra said...

Hey! Stacy did a monthly blog update. WOOHOO! Your Food picture looks yummy! I gained three pounds just looking at it!

Georgina said...

yeay! you updated your blog!! see my blog for another something for you to post about!! tag youre it!

Lori Petticrew said...

yeah your tagged on my blog too....lazy blogger